How to Get Back Deactivated Instagram Account?

Getting your Instagram account deactivated for any reason is not the same as being banned. Being banned means you are permanently banned from using the social networking site and you can no longer upload or view your pictures. Deactivated means you can't do anything on instagram and can't access your account at all. There is currently a legal loophole in Instagram which allows you to reactivate your account for whatever reason you choose. Here's how to get your Instagram account back and to Reactivate it.

Steps to Get Back Your Instagram Disabled Account and Reactivate it

If you are looking for a legal loophole to get your Instagram disabled account back, then you have come to the right place. I have been in the exact situation you were in, all of the sudden my account was disabled and I couldn't access it for several weeks. I thought it was all a bogus ban due to some offensive photo posts I had made a few months ago. It was only when I sent the company an email that I found out I was actually banned for " Arbitrary Reason". This is when I knew it was going to be close to impossible to ever get my account back, so my lawyer started looking for a way to have it reactivated.

So I started my quest to get my deleted posts back. The first thing I did was looking through all of my other accounts and searching for the posts that had been disabled. Sure, I could have just gone to the instagram account itself and had them re-type the link, but there were hundreds of other accounts that I didn't want to delete just yet. I needed a better solution than just appealing the punishment. So I started looking for another way to get my account reactivated.

All I had to do was go to the search box and enter in the username and the password I used for the Instagram account. The first option I picked was "Find Instances of Yourself on Instagram". I clicked on that and got a screen that had four different tabs. The first was labeled " Instagram Repos", the second was labeled "Search", the third was labeled "List", and finally the last tab had "Search All".

If you click on the option to "List Instances" you will be able to see all of the pictures that were taken while my account was disabled. If you click on the option to "Search" you will be able to find all of the photos that were taken by people who were posting on Instagram at that time. This is the easiest way how to recover a disabled Instagram account, but if you are really serious about being able to get back on the site you can always use the FIND option.

The second and third steps on how to recover a disabled instagram account using Instagram seem to be the most difficult. I'm not really sure how to describe this other than to say that you have to look through the search bar and find the person's picture. It might take a few tries, or it might not work at all, but in any case you should be able to find the person's profile somewhere on the site. If you can't find the person's picture using the search, then you need to click on the "View Instances" tab and then click on "none".

Bottom Line

The final step is probably the easiest, because it is basically just follow the same steps that you followed when you had your account disabled. The last thing that you need to do is go through all of the albums and view the images that you took while your account was deactivated. When you find the ones you want to reactivate, just click on the "recreate account" button. This should bring you to a page where you enter in all of your personal information again. Once you fill out the information, you'll be ready to start using your deactivated Instagram account!