How to Sign In to Account in the New Outlook?


Some years back the Microsoft email was known as the Hotmail but after the recent changes in the company and its features, it is now known as Outlook mail. But, this change brought a lot of confusion between people as when they opened the official page of Hotmail they were directed to and got confused between the two.

Allow us to tell you that both things are entirely the same and the Outlook mail is indeed your old Hotmail. So in this guide, we are going to give you a little insight into how you can login to your hotmail account that is no longer Hotmail but rather Outlook mail.

Steps to Sign In to or Outlook mail

This detailed step-by-step guide prepared by us is there to help those people who are still confused with the new changes done by Microsoft. You need to read the steps carefully and then perform the same instructions to access your hotmail account.

  1. Open or on any web browser.

  2. Now, you have to type your email address in the ‘Sign In’ area. Remember that you need to type the email address of your Hotmail account as Outlook and Hotmail are now the same things. 

  3. After that, click on the ‘Next’ button and then enter the password of your Hotmail account.

  4. The last step is to tap the ‘sign In’ tab which will direct you to the inbox of your email account which is now the Outlook mail Inbox. 

After this, you can very easily use your Hotmail account to send and receive emails and do other things that your Hotmail account permits you to. You can also checkmark the option to keep you signed in so that you do not need to enter the password every time you sign in to hotmail.

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